Through the Looking Glass
Mexico City, Mexico
The biggest thing we get wrong about manifestation is that
We don’t have a clue as to what we really want.
We know, often without pause, what we consciously want. When we struggle to get those things or feel unfulfilled upon receiving them, we see that we are driven by a deeper force, one we lost contact with long ago.
This force has become unknown, unspoken for. It is the core of who we are, an essence that has been smoldered out by influences & circumstances around us.
What we want is often far simpler & far more attainable than we know for these things live within us, things like unconditional self love & acceptance, & pride in ourselves that is so sure, so hardy it needs not be voiced, much less flaunted.
We were never taught how to get those things, so we search for them outside of ourselves.
We look for others to love us, & so, we face broken heart after broken heart until we give our heart what it really wants: to love ourselves first.
Piercing rejection begs us to stop being dependent upon others to validate our existence.
Jobs lost or never attained point us toward a more enjoyable one, one with more work-life balance, one with purpose.
The very situations we’ve been so terrified of happen so we can rid ourselves of that very fear, so we can fulfill a secret desire to feel confident & capable to handle whatever life throws our way.
Life makes your weary body rest through some malady.
The quest of such inquisition is not for the narrow-minded or faint of heart. The answers are personal. None can answer them but the one who seeks. It is a journey that takes us into the gnarled unknown, a land too dark for us to make out figures at first &, so, we must look more closely.
What is this Undesirable thing trying to telling me?
Is the question we ask that requires us to strip off the cozy layers of who we think we are & to get to the bare bones of our core essence. It means to walk the path of enlightenment, to glimpse its shades & hues. It is how we free ourselves from the endless suffering that we seem to keep recreating for ourselves.